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How a Solid Social Media Presence can Benefit your Growing Business

There are many ways to start and grow a business and in today’s business climate, owners have a vast array of tactics. The popularity of social media has spawned a completely new marketing stream. If done right, your online image can help grow your business. For this to happen, you need a solid social media presence.

Social media can be a cost-effective way to market your brand, although it does take a balance of time and money to reap the rewards. True, running a social media account can have little to no cost, however it will take some resources to have a solid social media presence. You’re missing out on a cost-effective marketing tool if you’re not properly using social media to promote your business.

Here are some strategies for strengthening your online image via your social media presence.

Scheduled Posts

It is relatively inexpensive to start and manage a social media account, especially when you’re taking advantage of the basics. Posts are a basic feature of social media. Regardless of how in-depth you go with social media marketing, posts are necessary. The content you share, like text, photos, and videos, is what your followers and potential followers see when they interact with your brand. This builds brand awareness and harbors a relationship between them and your business.

It’s not enough to randomly post when it’s convenient for you. Be sure that your company stays top of mind by posting regularly. Regular posts keep your company relevant with your followers. It keeps your followers around and drives up interaction with your page. It also bodes well with algorithms, which pushes your content in front of your followers.

Another benefit to scheduling your posts is that it forces you to be organized and intentional about what you’re sharing. During your planning, pay attention to holidays, local events, seasons, etc. Building your content around current events adds another layer of relevancy to your social media presence. Don’t be sporadic; schedule your posts for the greatest impact.

Regular Engagement with Your Followers

Social media is a tool that can help you reach a wider audience, but it also allows you to build stronger relationships with those you reach. It allows you to connect with your customers and learn more about their needs and wants. By regularly posting content, you give your followers the opportunity to interact. This gives you the opportunity to engage back.

Engagement boosts your page in the algorithm even further and grows your social media presence. Other users will see the popularity among your followers, and yet another layer of relevancy builds.

Quality over quantity is where it’s at. It is pointless to have thousands of followers if they’re not engaging with your brand. Regular, meaningful engagement should be your social media marketing goal.

Be Strategic with your Content

So you’re being intentional and regularly sharing content, and you’re also engaging with your customers. Your next step is to be strategic with the content you share. What are your goals: drive traffic to your site, increase sales, boost engagement?

Sharing links will obviously drive traffic to your site, but you must layer this approach with authentic content. Growing your website’s traffic will boost your overall SEO score, so making this a goal is smart. However, don’t expect users to click any link you share. Mix links to your site with authentic and inspiring content.

One tactic to increase sales is to share positive reviews. This gives others the chance to learn what it’s like to do business with you. Regularly sharing your reviews is a strategic way to increase sales and boost engagement. For more positive reviews, learn about How Great Online Reviews can Boost your Business.

For ideas and advice on content and making the most of your strategies, read about the Small Business Social Media Trends for 2023.

Paid Ads and Sponsored Posts

It does cost time and money to develop quality content and to share it in an organized way, but these costs are relatively minimal. Paid ads and sponsored posts are highly effective although these options have real costs associated with them. Each platform offers different options for paid advertising.

Making the leap from “free” social media marketing to paid options can be scary. We suggest starting small to learn more about these paid options, and then increasing your budget from there.

A huge benefit to paid ads and sponsored posts is that you receive real statistics about your campaign. You can see the results of your investment. Tracking your campaigns can put you at ease about spending. With these paid options, you can target your ads to a specific audience. This ensures that people most likely to use your product or service will see your message. Compared to other advertising options, these targeted tactics are still an affordable way to grow your business.

Commit to Growing your Social Media Presence

Boosting your social media presence is an effective and affordable marking tactic. Being where your customers are, on social media, will increase your brand awareness and improve customer service. Your company will be approachable, which gives customers confidence in doing business with you. Social media provides a convenient and direct line of communication for your customers.

Your actions on social media show customers that you’re responsive and present. Of all the possible marketing tactics, the best way for your company to appear relevant and credible is with a solid social media presence.

Kellum Creek Business Solutions can help grow your online presence. We offer transparent, flat-fee pricing for our online presence packages. Contact us today for more information on how we can help take your business to the next level with social media marketing and other services. Kellum Creek Business Solutions offers affordable, reliable resources for your small business.

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